
Welcome to Sicily In Your Kitchen! 

Thank you for stopping by, I am so happy you are here! Nice to meet you!
My name is Fabiola but you can call me Faby, I am a native Italian. 
I opened this food blog to introduce the most authentic Sicilian cuisine to the world!
I was born and raised in Palermo, Sicily but I currently live in Los Angeles.

What about Palermo?

Palermo takes your breath away. With its astonishing monuments. With its views of boats and fishing, it gives you the feel of a summer tourist attraction. Sicilian food is something that everybody should see at least once in their lifetime. Yes, because our food is eaten with a glance! So colorful, it looks like a portrait!

Palermo food captured

My passion for food goes beyond just eating.
In fact, I have an innate interest in knowing the history of a dish, where it comes from and what story it tells. Many Sicilian dishes that we eat today with great gratitude like Caponata, Cannoli, Cassata, etc. are in fact of very poor origins and of ancient legends and religious facts.
Very often Sicily is named with improper and unjust names.
Yes, we are humble people who have made the world rich and we are proud of it!
My dream would be to let the world know how much treasure and value this ancient land owns because, as the poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said in one of his trips to Sicily:

“To have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is not to have seen Italy at all, for Sicily is the clue to everything.”

And that’s all you need to know.

Teatro Massimo | Metallic lions that recall the allegory of tragedy and lyricism.

Curiosities about Sicily

I have always had the passion to tell the world where I come from, my country and the culture that surrounds my Sicily. A place like no other.
In fact, not everyone knows that Sicily or Trinacria is one of the oldest lands in Italy.

Sicilian cuisine has been popular and loved since ancient Greek times. Did you know that the first cookbook in history was written by a Sicilian cook?
Sicilian cooks were in demand in many Greek cities, proving that this cuisine has always been irresistible, just as it is today. As is logical for an island, one of the most popular ingredients was seafood, wheat, Sicilian extra virgin olive oil and wine, which was a real pillar in the Greek-Roman era, were also much loved.
But the real peculiarity of the history of Sicilian cuisine is that it has been influenced, like in no other region, by the various peoples who have passed through there.
In the Middle Ages, the Arabs brought to Sicily some of the crops that would later become typical of the Sicilian tradition: oranges and lemons. Well yes, these beloved citrus fruits that we all associate with Sicily today!
And not just citrus fruits. The Arabs also brought rice to Sicily, which then spread to the rest of the peninsula from there and, above all, they brought many first versions of the most loved desserts, such as cassata and cannoli.

How many surprises, huh? That’s why I told you that Sicily is unique. Every external novelty has quickly become an integral part of this special land. Arabs, Jews, Normans, Aragonese, each of these populations has given its contribution to enrich this great culinary heritage.

Why I created this blog

Since I have lived here for some time, I know for sure that there is no Sicilian food anywhere, not even in Los Angeles. At least not authentic.

So my dream is to show America and, why not, the whole world, what Sicilian food is all about!
It’s about the love for simple ingredients. The aroma and the taste of fresh vegetables mixed together with fresh herbs make the most delicious combination ever!

It can be shocking to know that there are tons of vegetarian dishes in the Sicilian cuisine!

It’s really underrated and my goal is to share these recipes with you!

My best teachers have always been my mom and my grandma, what better chefs than them! Right?

I love cooking traditional dishes related to my land, but I also love trying new combinations and experimenting with different ingredients to prepare ever-changing dishes!
Sometimes it takes a little imagination to create a delicious recipe!
I know that many people can’t travel to Sicily and that’s why I also created this blog!

So, I hope you enjoy my recipes and I hope you will try them at your home because after all,

Sicily can be in your kitchen!